
  1. Clone the compiler’s repository and change directory to it:

    $ git clone https://github.com/Stand-In-Language/stand-in-language.git
    $ cd stand-in-language
  2. Install Nix:

    $ curl https://nixos.org/nix/install | sh
  3. Optional (reduces build time by using telomare’s cache):

    # Install cachix with nix-env or adding `cachix` to your `/etc/nixos/configuration.nix`'s' `environment.systemPackages` if in NixOS.
    $ nix-env -iA cachix -f https://cachix.org/api/v1/install
    $ cachix use telomare
  4. Enter a Nix shell. This will setup an environment where all external dependencies will be available (such as cabal for building):

    $ nix-shell shell.nix
  5. Build the project:

    $ cabal new-build
  6. Run the tictactoe example and start playing with a friend (or run your own telomare file):

    $ cabal new-run telomare -- tictactoe.tel
  7. Profit!

Running cabal new-repl

There is a known issue (#7) for getting a repl.

To get around it, you should copy libgc.so.1 (provided by the bohem garbage collector) into your repository (telomare/lib is a good choice) and rename it to libgc.so. You will also need to reference it on telomare.cabal under the library stanza. Be sure to use the complete path for libgc.so on telomare.cabal (a commented version on telomare.cabal is provided as an example).

Telomare REPL

  1. Run:

    $ cd <your/local/clone/location>/stand-in-language
    $ nix-shell shell.nix
    $ cabal new-build
    $ cabal new-run telomare-mini-repl -- --haskell
  2. Profit!